Baking soda - the precious white powder

We have all heard of the wide use of baking soda not only for cooking, but also in our household for cleaning.  Sodium bicarbonate, i.e baking soda, appears to be so universal that almost every day someone somewhere invents its new application.  Yes, baking soda cleans, softens water, scours even deodorizes. You can remove odors from the flooring - just sprinkle your soiled carpets and mats with baking soda and let it work for about 15 minutes. Then clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner. You can clean oily stains in the same way - dab the stain with a paper towel, sprinkle with baking soda, let it work for at least an hour to absorb the stain and then clear the debris with a vacuum cleaner.Did you know that it is possible to eliminate really bad smells with the help of baking soda? Like smelly shoes or stinky drains, for example. I have even witnessed its fast effect on stuffed drains – you just pore a little baking soda and then some vinegar in it. Thanks to its cool effervescent quality baking soda rapidly unplugs the drain.

Washing your face with baking soda helps reduce water pollution.
But I am surprised to learn that we can use it for cleaning our face! Baking soda effectively removes blackheads and dead skin cells and unclogs pores. Its fine particles do this hard work. And its antiseptic action prevents inflammation and redness of the skin. What you need to do is to mix baking soda with water to make a thick paste. Apply it on your face in a circular motion for 2-3 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and finish with cold water. Finally, rub your face with a moisturizer.
Such use of baking soda is welcome for skin prone to acne. The action is rooted in the drying of the face, so it is important then to apply appropriate cream. 
However, there are a bunch of other wonderful applications that will allow you to create your personal cosmetic laboratory, including your own cheap Facial Exfoliator and also:
- no bags under the eyes! Again make a solution of baking soda and water, but this time let it be a little more diluted. Dip two cosmetic pads in the mixture and place them on your eyelids. Hold them for about 15-20 minutes. After about 2 hours you can repeat the procedure if you are not satisfied with the results;
- clean and tidy hair - for efficient washing hair add baking soda to your shampoo in a proportion of 1 to 4. Thus the "mane" will become softer, more elastic and simultaneously more susceptible to clearance. The effect comes from the fact that baking soda removes even the finest particles left from styling hair products.
And these are just small part of the possibile applcations of baking soda, but it is important to mention that it is inexpensive and environmentally friendly, even after it goes down the drain.

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